Repellent for Pigeons and Bats

Repellent for Pigeons and Bats

Repellent for Pigeons and Bats da Thursan is a product with adhesive characteristics used to repel pigeons, rats, ants on trees, bats and birds in general. Its active ingredients are similar to a band-aid adhesive or chewing gum, so they do not cause burns or wounds of any kind to the feet of birds or people's skin.

Technical Data: When a bird approaches and rests on the treated surface it feels nothing until it makes a movement and is when it is alarmed to feel that its paws are clumsy. The bird quickly flies and sends a warning to the other birds warning them to stay away from that area. When applying in combat ants make sure to protect smaller plants, as they can be damaged by their fragility. Avoid contact with hands and skin, always using a glove.

Supplied in Tubes, Pot with 900g, 4Kg Gallon and 16Kg Bucket.

Repelente para Pombos e Morcegos